21 Day Fix: Week 3 Review

Happy Monday Tuesday!

Having a 3 day weekend always messes me up on my days. It’s Tuesday, feels like a Monday… same concept, don’t feel like working after being off and having an amazing weekend with my friends and family. But anyhow… time for my week 3 review! If you missed the first two parts, check them out here and here!

collage fbg

My eating went pretty well last week. I tried a new dressing which I loved! It’s called Cilantro Lime Dressing. My friend Lauren suggested it so I gave it a show.

  • 1 cup loosely packed cilantro, stems removed
  • 1/2 cup plain Greek yogurt
  • 2 cloves garlic
  • Juice of 1 lime
  • Pinch of salt
  • 1/4 cup olive oil
  • 2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar

This was super good on my chicken salad (top left picture). I also ate a lot of rice, quinoa, crab, rosemary potato fries, and salad. The usual.


I tried mixing up my workouts more and didn’t do the Fix dvds as much. Mainly I stuck with walking and the Tone It Up workouts. In doing so, I’ve noticed that my results weren’t what I was expecting. I was expecting to lose about 10-15 lbs (since everyone around doing this program lost that amount), but since I have more weight to lose and not toning, I gained muscle and lost inches. So the weight didn’t go down. Now I’ve targeted my problem and will be doing MORE cardio than weight training in the future until I get the weight down. Kind of bummed out, but also kind of relieved to have solved my problem.

I can tell how much better I felt doing this program and how my body loved eating natural whole foods and avoiding the junk food and soda. I felt a difference in my energy and how I was more awake in the mornings than normal. My clothes felt loose, my workouts were becoming easier because I was becoming stronger. It was an overall amazing feeling and I’ll be doing this program at least 3 times a year. I would recommend it to everyone because it’s life changing and opens your eyes to what you’re eating and how much you’re eating.

kayak tripMy cardio started last week when my family rented a lodge by the lake. I walked 3 miles around the lake and did a lot of kayaking during the trip. My eating will be very similar to the 21 day fix guide simply because it’s how we SHOULD be eating. It’s also very similar to the tone it up nutrition plan – which makes my life a lot easier. I’m going to be toning down the weight training and focusing more on burning calories by cardio which will consist of walking/jogging/running, at home DVDs, and other various ways outside of the gym.

Things I would have done differently:

  • Been more strict with the condiments and dressings
  • Added more cardio
  • Followed the workout program
  • Cut back on starchy foods
  • Limited my “wrap” intake – I can’t eat a lot of wheat
  • Would not have had small “cheat” meals

Overall Experience: I loved every second of doing this and loved the accountability I had with my friend Lauren and the people around me who supported me by not tempting me to eat bad!

xo Brittny


21 Day Fix: Week 2 Review

Good morning & Happy Thursday!

Time to review my week 2 progress for the 21 day fix. Can I just say how I am loving how this new change has affected myself, my personality, and my body?! I never thought it would be possible for eating healthy can affect my total self. It’s eye opening and refreshing. And for once, I don’t crave bad foods or soda. I think I found the one…

photo 1

My main concern was staying at my fiance’s house all weekend. He isn’t exactly the healthiest eater (all though he is getting better) and his lack of food would throw me off track. So I meal planned & prepped. I packed all my food Friday after work and headed over to his place. Saturday morning I made 2 eggs + basil + feta cheese with a vanilla shakeology w/ almond milk and peanut butter. This has been my main breakfasts through the week and on weekends. Very simple and very filling!

I even packed my 21 Day Fix dvds so I could still get my workouts in at his place. I only rested on Sunday because I was super sore after all the hard workouts I did for last week. The rest of my meals were simple: rice, quinoa, egg wraps, lots of veggies, etc… it’s hard getting fancy with foods when I’m not at my own home.

photo 4

Sunday was my grocery shopping day. I stocked up on more veggies, proteins, and fruits. It’s a lot easier for me to shop every Sunday to ensure that my veggies and fruits are fresh and that they don’t go bad by stocking up on more than I can eat. Plus I feel it’s a lot cheaper. My method of thinking can be sometimes weird.

After I was finished shopping, I headed home to start my meal prepping for the week. Here is what I basically ate all week:

  • Breakfast: 2 eggs + hot sauce + spinach, Shakeology + peanut butter + almond milk or water
  • Mid-Morning: Fruit + pistachios
  • Lunch: Lettuce + whole wheat wrap + dijon mustard + onions + chicken
  • Afternoon: Greek yogurt + banana + veggies
  • Dinner: quinoa + mushrooms + protein + veggies

workout collageI’ve been mixing up my workouts a lot so that my body doesn’t get used to doing the same routines. I’ve been walking/jogging every other day while mixing in the Tone It Up workouts. When I’m not walking, I do the 21 Day Fix DVDs along with the Tone It Up workouts. I always try to do cardio + toning exercise for best results. After all, summer is 6 weeks away!

Processed with Moldiv

I gotta say, the new TIU bikini booty workout is a killer. I was drenched in sweat and burnt over 100 calories in a mere 12 minutes. Head over to their page to try it for yourself! I’m currently on day 11 of the 21 day fix and I never would have made it without my friend Lauren. We are still texting each other every day with our meals, workouts, and motivation. I found it to be a lot better when you have someone with you because you don’t want to let your team down. I highly suggest finding someone to do this plan with you if you struggle sticking to things (like myself). I haven’t weighed or measured myself yet. I’m waiting until after my 21 days to see what I’ve accomplished.

I can feel a difference in myself. That’s all that really matters at this point. I feel more confident about myself (which I never, ever feel) and I look forward to my meals and workouts. My body feels tighter and slimmer. I’ll take it! I am looking forward to doing round 2 after this as well. Stay tuned for my final review next week!

xo Brittny

If you missed my first week review, read it here!

21 Day Fix: Week 1


Happy Friday everyone! I’m so thankful this week is over with and I get to go home in an hour. Even though the week went fast, I’m getting anxious about going home sooner now that the weather is finally nice in PA! It only took a few months…


So a few weeks ago, I posted about how me and my friend Lauren would be starting the 21 Day Fix program together. It’s a lot nicer having a friend doing it with you for support and motivation – we send each other pictures and texts throughout the day to help push each other. I’m also posting on my IG account for more accountability. So far I am loving how I’m feeling, I’m loving the food, and I’m loving the program in general.

photo 2

Sunday after I left Nate’s house, I stopped to get groceries. I mainly got Greek yogurt, lean proteins, whole wheat wraps, almond milk, and a lot of fruits & veggies.

photo 4

Breakfast: Typically I’ve been sticking with either overnight oats + cinnamon + almond milk + Greek yogurt with a piece of fruit. I also like to add 2 eggs + salsa. On the weekends, I’m going to be drinking Shakeology for my breakfast to mix it up.

For my snacks, I have a piece of fruit (bananas, oranges, or strawberries). When I’m feeling hungry, I’ll also eat some peanuts.

photo 3

Lunch: I only get a 30 minute lunch break at work, so I like something simple and filling. I’ve been making a whole wheat wrap + spinach + lettuce + chicken + Dijon mustard. If I don’t want a wrap, I’ll make a salad with the approved dressings from the plan. This holds me over since I’m eating a lot of carbs and protein in the morning.

photo 5Dinner: This is where I go hard on the protein and veggies. I’m avoiding carbs (or the yellow containers) after 3:00 pm. This helps me digest my food better and not feel so bloated when I wake up the next day. I’ve been loving the crab + shrimp + brussels + asparagus as my main dinners for the week.

What’s awesome is that I get to incorporate a lot of my favorite Tone It Up meals into this plan. Mainly, that is where I’m getting my recipes and ideas. Next week I’ll be mixing my meals up and what not. This was just a quick overview of what my meals are looking like. As for my workouts, I’m doing a Fix workout + Tone It Up. On days where it’s nice outside, I usually go for a walk or jog with my family. Next week I’ll be adding more weight training into my workouts. I’m staying at my boyfriend’s fiance’s house this weekend, so I have a lot of meal prepping & packing to do.

Stay tuned for next week. I’ll be doing a better more in depth post about the plan and what I’m doing. Wish me luck!

xo Brittny

Check out my week 2 review here!

Tone It Up: 2014 Bikini Series!


Happy Monday!

For once, it is a happy Monday for me! Today is the first day of the Tone It Up Bikini Series! As many of you know, I bought the plan last summer, after the bikini series ended. So this will be my first time participating in the challenge. It lasts for 8 weeks, leading up to the first day of summer!

I absolutely love the TIU girls and the plan, so it will not be hard for me to stick with this challenge. I’ll also be participating in a 21 Day Fix challenge group. So I’ll have double the motivation! I’ll be posting weekly about the challenges and my progress along the way.


If you haven’t already, head over to their blog and sign up to also join in on the fun! They email you a great Starter Pack that is loaded with recipes and a grocery list to help you plan your meals throughout the challenge. Oh, and did I mention it’s FREE?! How awesome is that?

They will have a new blog post each day to help motivate you and give you daily challenges. It’s fun to play along with their challenges and post them to your social media sites using the hashtags they provide in order to win prizes! Don’t miss out on this great opportunity to get fit and fabulous for the summer!


My goal for this challenge is to finally accomplish the 100 By Summer goal. I started the Love Your Body series back in February and unfortunately did not meet my 100 By V-Day goal. If you are unfamiliar with this, they explain everything HERE.

Each Sunday, they post a NEW weekly fitness schedule to follow. It’s suepr fun to follow along with the members. I mainly use Instagram for my posts and check out everyone else’s posts. It’s motivating and keeps you accountable. I’ll be creating a spreadsheet to help me track my progress along the way. I’m going to be a busy girl! For those of you who ARE participating, feel free to comment on my posts, follow me on IG, or simply email me and we can bounce ideas back and forth and keep each other motivated! I love interacting with new fitness friends.


Their first challenge was to create your summer list. So that’s exactly what I did and while I was writing down each idea, my heart was pumping faster and faster due to the excitement. I have so many great plans for this summer to make it one of the best summers yet! I’ll also be doing a lot of wedding planning which also gets me super pumped. Summer is one of my favorite seasons and I can’t wait to share it with my friends, family, and fiance! So here is my list:

create your summer

What are some of your plans for the summer? Comment and let me know! I hope everyone reading this will join in on the fun so we can get in the best shape for summer time!

xo Brittny

The 2 Big E’s: Easter & Engagement!

Happy Humpday!

I am long overdue for a post. Some new and big things are happening in my life that I am dying to share with my readers! If you follow me on social media, then many of you already know. But for the rest of you… I just got engaged this week!

photo 1

My boyfriend fiance proposed to me on Easter in front of my family. I am the hardest person to surprise so this is sort of a funny story. He originally wanted to propose to me in New York City aka my dream city, but it would have been too obvious since it’s hard for us to take a day off work to travel up there. Then he thought he would be sweet to propose to me at our favorite location in Gettysburg overlooking the battlefields. So he called off work and arranged for this to happen, but of course me being stubborn and difficult I didn’t want to go down. I am literally the worst person in the world to surprise haha!

Instead, he decided to surprise me on Easter with my family around us. His original plan was to have an Easter egg hunt for me, but I said I was not hunting eggs unless there was money in them. I know, I know… I’m a terrible person lol! So he numbered the eggs from 1 to 14 and each egg had a sweet message inside. Once I opened up number 13, he grabbed the last egg from my basket, got down on my knee very nervously and asked me to marry him. I was speechless and kind of blacked out for a few seconds haha but then I said yes! I’m so happy we’re engaged and that my family could be there to be a part of it. Hopefully he learned his lesson for future surprises and to let ME plan them ha!


Before the engagement went down, we colored Easter eggs together. Of course, I picked up 2 boxes of Marvel egg kits since I’m a total nerd. We made really pretty eggs and decked them all out in stickers… Iron Man & Spider-Man! Then we got up early Sunday morning and got ready for church. After church, we went up to my mom’s for lunch where she made the cutest bunny bread ever! I almost didn’t want to eat it, but alas, I took the rabbit’s foot lol. Apparently, that brought me good luck because an hour later I got engaged 🙂 yay!


We left my mom’s and headed over to my aunt’s for even more Easter celebrating. Everyone loved the ring (as do I) and it was just a perfect/gorgeous day out. Got some sun, had a Easter egg hunt, and I got to see the baby! Apparently someone decided to hide an egg on the roof… I certainly was not capable of climbing up. I can barely reach the cabinets in my house.. short problems and all. It was the perfect day and I’m still thankful I got to be around my family and new fiance. It still doesn’t feel real. No big wedding plans yet, as I want a long engagement. So stay tuned for news on that!

Also, either today or sometime this week, I will be posting about the 21 Day Fix. I’m currently NOT a BeachBody coach anymore, but I still love the products. A lot of people have been telling me to try it so I dived in and just ordered it for myself. I’m currently on day 3 and loving it. So I’ll be posting details about that and I’ll also try to keep this thing updated more. I’ve been slacking, no more excuses!

xo Brittny

UPDATE: I will not be posting about the 21 Day Fix this week as I will be participating in a challenge group starting next Monday. I will be posting weekly about that and my progress. Stay tuned!


What’s Up With Me?

Good morning and Happy Tuesday 🙂

I just wanted to write a small post this morning and let everyone know what’s up with me. I’m currently working on designing a new theme, layout, pictures, and new set up with this blog. I feel I’ve come such a long way since when I first started blogging and it’s time to spruce things up.

So for now, I’m making lists of everything I need to change and will be spending time on here mainly organizing. Once I get everything cleaned up, I’ll begin writing more. Stay tuned for more updates!

If you have suggestions, please comment on this post letting me know what you want to see more of!

xo Brittny

Tone It Up: Nutrition Plan Review


Good morning girls!

I didn’t realize how long it has been since I wrote… well, anything. I guess the holidays have got the best of me this year. But thankfully, things are finally slowing down in my life and I can start refocusing on the things that I love to do. One of those things is of course, writing. Hopefully, things stay at this pace so I can get back into blogging.

Recently I have been getting a lot of comments on my Tone It Up 5 Day Slim Down Review. I’ve always wanted to write a review of the whole plan, but wasn’t sure if it would it would a review people would be interested in reading. I’m thinking after their new hit show on Bravo came out this year, people are starting to notice the Tone It Up girls more. Please keep in mind; this is my personal opinion and something that has worked for me. It might not be for everybody and I will try to explain everything the best I can. But if you do have more questions, please comment here J  So let’s get started!


The Tone It Up Nutrition Plan comes in 6 different options: regular, vegan, vegetarian, gluten free, gluten free vegetarian, and pescetarian.

I purchased the REGULAR PLAN. I once tried the vegetarian lifestyle and absolutely loved it, but I’m a meat eater and simply couldn’t cut out all meats from my diet. I did, however, cut back on eating a lot of red meats. Once in a while, I will splurge but I don’t make it a habit anymore.

All of the plans cost $150 – and yes, when I first saw that I was hesitant right away. I couldn’t afford $150 on a plan that I never even heard of before. I loved their YouTube workouts and the community but just could not stomach the thought of paying $150. That’s a lot of money to commit to something. For about a month, I started trying some of the recipes they would post on their blog. The recipes seemed simple enough and were super yummy. This lured me in… I had to have it! I love food and I can’t get enough. I’m always looking for new cook books and new recipes to try out.

tone it up food

Now that I had the idea in my head that I needed to order this, I started researching more information and talked with a few girls who have the plan themselves. When I saw that you would be a LIFETIME MEMBER and only have to pay that one-time fee, I purchased it that day. I have done a lot of diets, workout programs, and supplements so I feel like I have tried it all. So here is what I compared it to:

  • Weight Watchers – you have to pay $42.95 a month. That’s $515.40 for one year! Yes, I love the meetings and I go with my sister every Tuesday, but I think $500 is a little too much. I love tracking my points and being held accountable, but where are the workouts? Yes, they have a great meal plan and food options for you, but they don’t really dig into the workouts.
  • BeachBody – yes I am a coach and the workout programs and supplements are amazing, but they don’t give you a meal plan to follow. Each workout program has a meal plan to get results doing THAT program, but what if I’m not just following one program? I love mixing and matching my BeachBody workouts so it’s hard for me to follow one specific diet plan.
  • Atkins – I lost weight doing Atkins and got to eat all the foods I love. But this is a diet that you have to stick with and can be harmful if you don’t follow it exactly how they tell you. So, you’re limited on what foods you get to enjoy. No thank you!

So what is inside the nutrition program?

The main nutrition program has 191 pages of over 250 recipes. Recipes included are:

  • Breakfast (including various pancake recipes)
  • Lunch
  • Entrees
  • Desserts
  • Appetizers
  • Party Foods
  • Snacks
  • Beverages – this includes coffee, teas, and adult beverages
  • Soups and Salads
  • Wraps
  • Smoothies and Juices – they also provide detox juices


It literally has everything you could possibly crave and need. This is what I love most about the program. I don’t have to deprive myself of anything because every single meal is right there at my fingertips. Fingertips? Yes. The program is emailed to you. I have an iPhone, so I simply saved mine right to my iBooks. They are PDF Files that you can download right to your phone or computer. I then printed it out and placed them in a big binder. The only downside to the program is printing out the editions as ink is pricey these days.  But that’s just an option. I personally never use my printed copies because my phone is always in reach. Every time they create a new special edition, it goes directly to your email. As you can see from the picture above, they are constantly coming out with new fun editions.

My favorite editions so far are the Love Your Body and Wedding Series edition. I can’t wait to get married simply so I can do all of these fun recipes to prepare myself. So far here are the editions: Regular Nutrition Plan, Beach Babe, Summer Sizzle, Love Your Body, Holiday, Fall, and Bridal.

5 day slim down

Also included in the plan are the 5 and 7 day slim downs. If you haven’t already read my 5 Day Slim Down journey, simply click here. I loved doing this slim down because I still got to eat the foods I love and be satisfied. I was not starving myself and I felt full. By the end of the slim down, my skin was glowing and I literally slimmed down. My next journey will be trying out the 7 Day Slim Down. These are made for when you want a quick slim down for an event. I did mine right before me and my family went to the beach so I didn’t feel overly bloated in a bikini. Nothing is worse than feeling bloated in a bikini.

The 7 Day Slim Down is just a longer version of the 5DSD. It tells you what to eat, when to eat it, and everything is mapped out for you. No guessing! Included with the slim down plan, you’ll get a slim down tracker sheet to make sure you’ve done everything right. Check that out also in my 5DSD Review.

Another thing I loved most about the nutrition plan was the meal guides and what they call a “meal wheel.” This is a color coded chart to help tell you which meals are okay to eat through the day. I never understood what I was eating or when to eat certain foods. I just thought I could eat breads and starchy foods for dinner if I ate super healthy all day. Yes, this method worked for some people but it didn’t work for me. My body is different and I found out that I could not eat heavy foods for my dinner. They helped explain this to me. Each meal or recipe has a guide to help you choose what foods are best for your goals.

Example: My goal is to slim down and lose weight. Obviously, I don’t want to eat the meals that are made for people who want to Tone Up or Maintain their weight. So I tried avoiding those foods as much as possible. I chose the slim down meals, in other words. But every person is different and so are their goals. Some girls come to me and say I lost all my weight, now I need to tone up. What foods should I eat? Well, I can now let them know because of this plan. This doesn’t mean you can’t still eat all of their meals. I mixed and matched recipes throughout the week so I didn’t get bored of eating the same foods all the time. And I still was losing weight. I’ve learned as long as you eat clean, green, and lean (their slogan) you will lose weight and feel great. I sound so cliché right now ha! But it’s the truth. You have to cut out the sugars, breads, red meats, and processed foods. I learned that the hard way and hundreds of dollars later.

Summer Sizzle Pic

The plan also goes into specific and scientific details about which foods you should mix and match. They break down why foods are healthy and good for you and actually give you a reason behind that. If you watch tv or read new fad diets they just say to eat certain foods because it helps you lose weight. Okay, well why is it helping me lose weight? Karena and Katrina break that all out for you and help you understand what you’re eating and what to eat it with. Certain foods come together and create what they call a complete protein.  If you buy the plan, you will see that for yourself. Like I’ve mention several times, I now finally understand what I’m eating because I never did before.

When you buy the plan, you also get exclusive information. They call this the Weekly Members Email. Every Thursday, they send out an email to the people who purchased the plan. The email is different each week and it includes great tips to help motivate you. You also get more information on new and exciting things they are coming up with compared to people who are not members. It’s my favorite part of the week. I love getting new information and ways to stay focused.


Have you ever went to the grocery store with full intentions of buying only healthy foods and when you get there you completely forget and start buying things you THINK is healthy? Yeah, me too… talk about a waste of money. With this plan, there are 2 pages I believe of grocery items they approve of. This makes it a lot easier when you’re shopping because everything is mapped out for you. What’s also nice, every food they list is part of the recipes. So I always try and stock up on foods or highlight the items I need before heading out. I print off that page every time I go shopping.

They also include a weight and measurement tracker. I also print this out weekly to keep track of my measurements. It’s super important to keep track because you might not lose pounds that week, but you will lose inches. Toning up simply removes the fat and replaces it with muscle. Yes you are losing, but you’re toning up at the same time. I love keeping track of my inches that way I don’t get discouraged when the scale doesn’t go down that week.

The last pages are full of printables.  If you travel a lot or don’t always have access to the internet, print out the workouts they include in the plan. They break down each move step by step. Keep them in your purse or travel bag and when you get some free time, pull them out and hop to it. Their workouts don’t require a lot of space, so this will be great if you are stuck in a hotel room.

Like I’ve mentioned above, they include measurement trackers, journal pages, and a grocery list.

Here are a few FAQs I recently got about the plan:


Do you think it’s worth buying?

  • Yes, absolutely. It’s the best plan I’ve ever followed.

Do you get full eating the foods?

  • Surprisingly, yes. You make a lot of food with these recipes and they satisfy your hunger. I feel full, but not miserably stuffed.

Are you still sticking with the plan since you started in August?

  • This is the only plan I’ve actually stuck with. I get excited about everything and go at it with my whole heart and then get bored with it after 3 weeks. This plan actually changed my life.

Have you noticed a change in your health and weight?

  • At first, no. I couldn’t see a difference in myself but everyone else kept saying I was losing weight. Then I compared myself to a picture of me from a year ago and the notice is there. I’m losing weight and actually toning up. My skin is clearing up and I have a natural tan almost. Sounds weird, but it’s true.

Can you mix and match recipes or do you have to buy their protein powder?

  • Their recipes do use their Perfect Fit Protein powder a lot, especially if you want to make their pancakes and smoothies. But when I got the plan, I did not have their protein powder. I did have healthier flour at home, so I used that up before purchasing theirs. But now that I have their brand I won’t use anything else.

If I have missed anything (which I’m sure I have) please comment on this post with any questions you still might have and I will get back as soon as I can! I hope you enjoyed this post and have a better understanding of Tone It Up and that you will too join our TIUteam!

xo Brittny

Perfect Fit Donuts!

Hey dolls!

I can’t believe it’s Monday night already, so depressing… The whole getting dark at 5:00 thing is getting old already. But, I won’t complain… this is my favorite season and Christmas will be here before we know it!

Speaking of Christmas, it reminds me of gifts and presents. This weekend, my boyfriend gave me a perfect gift – a mini doughnut maker! So of course, the first thing we made together were Perfect Fit Donuts!

perfect fit donuts

These were so yummy and I can’t believe how healthy they were. Normally, I down a whole box of doughnuts without even blinking an eye. I mean, what is better than white powdered doughnuts and a big cup of cold milk? Dough and anything related to bread is my downfall. I’m so, so happy that I found a healthy alternative to when I’m having my usual bad cravings.

Recipe –

  • 1 cup of Perfect Fit Protein
  • 1 tsp baking powder
  • 3 tbsp. coconut oil (or just extra virgin olive oil)
  • 1 tsp of vanilla extract
  • 1 cup unsweetened vanilla almond milk (use chocolate milk to make chocolate donuts)
  • 1/3 cup egg whites
  • 1 tsp stevia
  • dash of cinnamon (I used more than a dash since I loveee cinnamon)
  • Optional: add 2 tbsp. cocoa powder if you’re making chocolate

perfect fitIn a large mixing bowl, take your 1 cup of Perfect Fit Protein and pour in the powder.

dry ingredients

mix mix mix

Add in the rest of your dry ingredients and egg whites. Start stirring!

wet ingredients

Next, start pouring in your almond milk. I like the Silk brand – less calories and much healthier than soy or regular milk.


Whisk ingredients together until the batter is completely smooth.

donut maker

With my Bella doughnut kit, this pink ketchup bottle looking thing was included. If you have one of these at home, I suggest using it. It makes pouring in the batter a lot easier (and less sloppy than pouring it in by hand…)


Simply close the lid and let them bake for however long your machine requires. It takes about 1 minute for the one I have. Once they’re done, they look like this. Pretty perfect, right? And simple!

For the toppings, you can either:

  1. Drizzle organic honey on top
  2. Melt down organic chocolate with cocoa powder to make a chocolate drizzle (this goes great if you make chocolate doughnuts)
  3. If you have Perfect Fit, sprinkle some protein powder on top of the doughnuts to make a powdered topping. So yummy!

If you try this yummy and healthy recipe, let me know what toppings you used! Tried a different type than the ones I mentioned? Comment below and let me know!

These make the perfect little snacks too. I packed some in my lunch box for work and ate some as a mid-morning snack. These are great for snacks in between breakfast & lunch OR lunch & dinner. They’re also full of protein – so these would even be great as a post workout snack. Lots of options with these bad boys.

– Brittny

Things on the blog this week:

  • Weekly Workout Schedule
  • Weekend Recap
  • New Latte Recipe
  • P90X Month 1 Review

TIU Meal: Chili in a Bowl

Thursday evening…

Simply means Friday is a few hours away. Which also means the premier of Thor is 24 hours away! AHHH! Anyways, got a little side tracked. Ahem. Tonight’s post is another recipe from the Tone It Up plan. I can’t get enough of their recipes and neither can by boyfriend. He helped me prepare this yummy meal last night, very proud of him! So let’s get started…


Very few ingredients are needed, which is why I make this meal a lot. These are also ingredients I usually have on hand at all times. What you need…

  • 1 Bell Pepper (any color will do.. I just happened to have an orange one)
  • 4 oz of Ground Turkey (I always use Perdue.. less fat and calories)
  • 1 Can of Diced Tomatoes
  • 1 Can of Kidney Beans
  • 1/4 Cup of Diced Jalapenos
  • 1/4 Cup of Onion, Diced
  • 1 tsp. of Chili Powder (you can put as much as you like depending how hot you want it)
  • 1/2 tsp. of Pepper + Salt
  • 1 cup of Vegetable Broth
  • Optional: add a cup of water, depending on the consistency you want


In a skillet, start by browning your turkey meat. I made them into small patties and used a potato masher to mash up the meat… duh. Cook the meat until brown.


While your meat is cooking, start dicing up your veggies.


In a medium sauce pan, add your kidney beans and vegetable broth. Bring the liquid to a simmer.


Once your beans are simmering, add in your tomatoes and seasonings. Stir ingredients together and turn heat down low. Let this cook for about 5 minutes.


Add in your veggies with the turkey meat.

mix together

Stir together until the veggies start to soften up. Optional: add in 2 tbsp. of extra virgin olive oil and salt to give the veggies more flavor and to speed up the process.


After your veggies are cooked, the meat, and tomatoes are hot… add all ingredients into the medium sauce pan. Give this a little stir and add in your cup of water. Let the water heat up for about 3 minutes.


Pour into a bowl and enjoy!

This makes about 6 servings, so pack this for your lunch for work the next day! Simple, easy, and healthy. Did I mention how amazing this tastes? I love that it’s not too spicy or hot. It’s the perfect amount of heat.

If you try this recipe, make sure to comment here or email me at BrittnyKendra@gmail.com and let me know what you think! Do you have a healthy chili recipe? Share with me! I love trying new healthy foods.. they’re the best kind!

– Brittny

Rosemary Sweet Potato Fries

Hey all!

I am so thankful for the extra hour of sleep I got last night. I feel so refreshed and ready to take on this week and brand new month. I have so much planned for this month including a new blog design! Well, hopefully that will be finished by the end of the month. I’m currently working on new pages, new theme, etc… So I am very excited to get that started.

Also this week I’ll be posting my month 1 review of P90X – I can’t believe I am starting month 2 tomorrow. Where did the month of October even go?! I’ll be posting new recipes as well and a recap of the month. I’ll be finishing up yet another challenge group and starting a brand new one on the 18th of this month. I’m excited to post all the details on that once we get that finalized.

But for now, I wanted to share this amazing recipe I just discovered. I’m a French fry girl. I could eat buckets and buckets of fries and not feel guilty at all. They’re so yummy and always hit my cravings. Unfortunately, they’re not the healthiest food for you. Thankfully, I found a healthy alternative that can be used as a snack or dinner.

rosemary sweet potato fries


  • 2 sweet potatoes
  • 2 tbsp dried rosemary
  • 1 tsp ground cumin
  • 2 tsp sea salt
  • dash of cinnamon
  • 1 1/2 tsp chili powder
  • Olive Oil


  1. Preheat your oven to 400 degress. While the oven is preheating, cut your potatoes into French fry spears.
  2. In a ziplock bag, add 1 tbsp of olive oil, the spices, and sweet potatoes and shake all ingredients together until everything is covered.
  3. Spray a cooking sheet or pan with canola oil and lay out your fries.
  4. Cook the fries for about 20 – 30 minutes until they are golden brown.
  5. Enjoy!

If you try this recipe, comment below or shoot me an email BrittnyKendra@gmail.com and let me know if you love it or hate… trust me, you will fall in love with these bad boys.

– Brittny