21 Day Fix: Week 3 Review

Happy Monday Tuesday!

Having a 3 day weekend always messes me up on my days. It’s Tuesday, feels like a Monday… same concept, don’t feel like working after being off and having an amazing weekend with my friends and family. But anyhow… time for my week 3 review! If you missed the first two parts, check them out here and here!

collage fbg

My eating went pretty well last week. I tried a new dressing which I loved! It’s called Cilantro Lime Dressing. My friend Lauren suggested it so I gave it a show.

  • 1 cup loosely packed cilantro, stems removed
  • 1/2 cup plain Greek yogurt
  • 2 cloves garlic
  • Juice of 1 lime
  • Pinch of salt
  • 1/4 cup olive oil
  • 2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar

This was super good on my chicken salad (top left picture). I also ate a lot of rice, quinoa, crab, rosemary potato fries, and salad. The usual.


I tried mixing up my workouts more and didn’t do the Fix dvds as much. Mainly I stuck with walking and the Tone It Up workouts. In doing so, I’ve noticed that my results weren’t what I was expecting. I was expecting to lose about 10-15 lbs (since everyone around doing this program lost that amount), but since I have more weight to lose and not toning, I gained muscle and lost inches. So the weight didn’t go down. Now I’ve targeted my problem and will be doing MORE cardio than weight training in the future until I get the weight down. Kind of bummed out, but also kind of relieved to have solved my problem.

I can tell how much better I felt doing this program and how my body loved eating natural whole foods and avoiding the junk food and soda. I felt a difference in my energy and how I was more awake in the mornings than normal. My clothes felt loose, my workouts were becoming easier because I was becoming stronger. It was an overall amazing feeling and I’ll be doing this program at least 3 times a year. I would recommend it to everyone because it’s life changing and opens your eyes to what you’re eating and how much you’re eating.

kayak tripMy cardio started last week when my family rented a lodge by the lake. I walked 3 miles around the lake and did a lot of kayaking during the trip. My eating will be very similar to the 21 day fix guide simply because it’s how we SHOULD be eating. It’s also very similar to the tone it up nutrition plan – which makes my life a lot easier. I’m going to be toning down the weight training and focusing more on burning calories by cardio which will consist of walking/jogging/running, at home DVDs, and other various ways outside of the gym.

Things I would have done differently:

  • Been more strict with the condiments and dressings
  • Added more cardio
  • Followed the workout program
  • Cut back on starchy foods
  • Limited my “wrap” intake – I can’t eat a lot of wheat
  • Would not have had small “cheat” meals

Overall Experience: I loved every second of doing this and loved the accountability I had with my friend Lauren and the people around me who supported me by not tempting me to eat bad!

xo Brittny


3 thoughts on “21 Day Fix: Week 3 Review

    • I would personally get the Tone It Up plan. I’ve been using it for a really long time and I’ve only used the 21 Day Fix once. I personally feel like I wasted my money with that plan.

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